error = (converter.fault.CloneFault) Unknown exception
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I needed to run P2V conversion across two domains. All the required ports were open, but at 1% of progress I got the error with this message in a log file:
–> state = “error”,
–> cancelled = false,
–> cancelable = true,
–> data = <unset>,
–> error = (converter.fault.CloneFault) {
–> dynamicType = <unset>,
–> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
–> description = “Unknown exception”,
–> msg = “An error occurred during the conversion: ‘Unknown exception’”,
–> },
Even though I should have known that from the beginning, I spent some time searching for the resolution. It was fairly simple.
ESX is very sensitive to DNS. Each and every participating device should be able to resolve its partner’s name. Fixing this with hosts file and new DNS entries wherever possible resolved the issue.
via error = (converter.fault.CloneFault) Unknown exception | Notes of Windows Admin.